C'est le début de Inktober !!

C’est la période de l’Automne, d’Halloween, des chocolats chauds… C’est le mois où on recommence les marathons Harry Potter et où on peut acheter des bougies sans culpabiliser. Mais c’est SURTOUT le Inktober ! 31 illustrations, en flash, en carte, en sticker… C’est parti !

C'est le début de Inktober !!

C’est la période de l’Automne, d’Halloween, des chocolats chauds… C’est le mois où on recommence les marathons Harry Potter et où on peut acheter des bougies sans culpabiliser. Mais c’est SURTOUT le Inktober ! 31 illustrations, en flash, en carte, en sticker… C’est parti !

Le concept

Il y a dans notre quotidien des ressentis, des états d’âme, qui se faufilent entre les mots, échappant à tout vocabulaire précis ou même existant… Des maux, mais aussi des sensations douces, comme celle ressentie face à la beauté d’un coucher de soleil (solauraphile), à l’apaisement que l’on retire à proximité de l’océan (okeaphile), ou au sentiment d’accomplissement dans la solitude (soleiheur).

C’est de ce constat qu’est né le concept des mots-émotions : des néologismes créés pour combler les vides de notre chère langue française. Après l’écriture de mon Petit Dictionnaire des émotions, puis deux années à tatouer autour de ce concept, j’ai envie de proposer autre chose en plus. De nouveaux formats, des créations pensées pour capturer visuellement ces émotions.

Aujourd’hui, ces mots-émotions prennent vie dans des collections de mots, réunis dans des packs et déclinés sous forme de prints, de stickers, de marque-pages… J’ai mille idées de supports, du puzzle littéraire au miroir gravé. J’ai envie de fabriquer de mes mains des créations uniques, que vous puissiez faire voyager avec vous. Tout est créé à la main, de la conception du design à l’impression, en passant par la réalisation des stickers. Chaque pièce est une œuvre de cœur, une exploration poétique des émotions qui font vibrer notre humanité.

Ces créations sont un hommage à ce qui est difficile à dire, mais essentiel à ressentir. Elles sont là pour vous rappeler, chaque jour, que les plus belles choses de la vie se trouvent souvent dans ces petits moments, ceux que l’on n’arrive pas toujours à exprimer, mais qui résonnent profondément en nous.

The tattoos

I started my adventure in tattooing at the beginning of 2022, at the same time as my book concept was born. From the start, I was keen to combine the two worlds in a sort of global project;  the expression of feelings carried as a standard on the most precious of possible mediums: your skins. 

This job, beyond giving me total freedom in my creativity (thanks to your unfailing trust), allows me on a daily basis to meet people whose sensitivity blends with mine. For that, I am so grateful. Meetings nourish my art, allow me to create again and touch other people: it’s a virtuous circle that I cherish and that I strive to nourish.

I like tattooing my existing words and emotions (from my Little Dictionary – volume 1) as much as creating new ones from your story. The only essential rule is to allow myself to reuse them afterwards – in a future book, on other skins… The goal being tofederate, to bring together around feelings that we all feel at certain degrees or stages of our life.

The “tarot cards” project is also particularly close to my heart. I like to start with an emotion word and compose around this theme and the graphic elements that you would like to represent. These are tailor-made projects to be worn as talismans, with a lucky number at the top of the card. My dream is to make a real game one day, around the concept of emotions!

At the heart of my graphic creations,the figure of the woman is always present - it's what I've loved to draw for a little over 5 years now, and what inspires me the most: as much in strength as in sensitivity and diversity. Fine lines, black solids for the hair and touches of red to enhance everything. 🙂

If this universe speaks to you and you want to entrust me with an idea to put into words or evils, do not hesitate to submit a short form to me so that we can discuss it. I mainly practice in Bordeaux but I often come as a guest to Paris.

The artist

My name is Camille, I recently turned 25 and eternally sensitive. I never really knew what to do with this overflow that threatened to overflow too often, with these emotions that we would like to vomit out or kill inside of us.

So I wrote, very early on. 

Then I shyly shared it, in front of a growing number of people. Over the years, I realized thatwriting publicly made me feel less alone in what I might be feeling.And I like to hope that it felt the same way for readers and readers who read my moods.

Then the drawing, to emphasize the words a little more, graphically support the concepts that we have difficulty describing. A new way of touching. A new way of bringing people together. I never studied linguistics, art, or graphics, but I dabbled in it in my little corner, as an autodidact.

Then I wanted to go even further, to break the paper barrier that exists between the author and his readers,I wanted to meet and create jointly.Hence the tattoo , which fulfilled all the expected criteria of a dream job.

I don’t know what the next challenge I’ll take on to bring the emotions to life even more will be, but I’m already looking forward to taking it on :)
